Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Marshmallows and eggs and cookies, oh my!

It's that time of year when I go overboard in the kitchen and make stuff (not Thanksgiving or Christmas, the other time of year).

First up today: homemade marshmallows

They taste so much better than what you buy in the store. Plus I'm planning on drowning them in chocolate and sprinkles. My grandmother loves marshmallow eggs, but hates the chocolate that they use nowadays on them. I agree that the chocolate that a lot of manufacturers are using nowadays tastes chalky and waxy... one type of filled gooey eggs that shall not be named in particular.

Next up: Easter cookies

Traditional Italian Easter cookies, to be exact. Made with about a pound of butter and sugar and flour and a dozen eggs. My other grandmother would make them every year when I was growing up. Now it's my turn!

Off to cook! Wish me luck with a pot of molten sugar.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for the new year

1. Knit 12 projects in 12 months.

2. Read 26 books. 52 in 52 weeks sounds so intimidating, so I'm hoping half that is doable.

3. Be healthy. Eat better, exercise more, sleep more.

4. In general, be better to myself.

5. Update this here blog.